Art & Craft

Dancing Mouse Craft Activity for Background Decoration for Ganpati

The mouse is the vehicle of Ganesha, representing wisdom, prosperity, and good luck. Fevicreate has a Dancing mouse holding a drum paper craft activity for the kids to use in the background decoration of Ganpati. Make an interesting learning with step-by-step instructions.

Paper Crafting Family and Friends 30 to 60 mins 6 to 8 years Art & Craft Class 1

Steps to Create this Activity

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Steps to Create this Activity

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Create a dancing mouse structure on the colored drawing sheet

Step - 01

To create a dancing mouse backdrop, take a sheet of cardboard referring to the template given & draw the diagram of the Ganesh mouse as shown with the help of a pencil.

Cutting the Ganesh mouse papercraft pieces.

Step - 02

Cut them with the help of scissors.

Creating the basic essentials for the mouse for background Ganpati decoration

Step - 03

To create clothes, drum and mouse features I.e., dhoti, drum, and ears take colored chart papers of your choice and draw the forms as shown.

Giving proper shape to the cut pieces of mouse papercraft

Step - 04

Cut them finely with the help of scissors.

Creating the featuring of eyes, nose, hands, etc. on the paper mouse pieces.

Step - 05

Using a felt pen, create details on the dhoti and drum, fold the circled cutouts into half to create ears. Now take pipe cleaners and create other features I.e., hands and legs. Using Fevistik Power assemble mouse cutouts and drum cutouts as shown.

Paste all the cut pieces of the Ganesh paper mouse-holding drum.

Step - 06

Using Fevistik Power, assemble the elements as shown.

Background decoration for Ganpati dancing mouse is ready

Step - 07

Similarly, create different illustrated dancing mouses. Your handmade backdrop is ready!

Design Template of dancing mouse papercraft for Ganesh backdrop decoration.

Step - 08

Design Template