Art & Craft

DIY Key Holder for Kids

Celebrate World Environment Day by engaging your child's creativity with our key holder craft! With Fevicreate's DIY key holder, they can design their own unique timepiece while learning about sustainability. Our step-by-step guide guarantees a fun and educational experience, making World Environment Day celebrations memorable with this eco-friendly craft activity.

Mixed Media Environment 30 to 60 mins 9 to 14 years Art & Craft Class 8

Steps to Create this Activity

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Steps to Create this Activity

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 Take a Plastic Sheet to Create World Environment Day Craft

Step - 01

To create a key holder pocket, take an upcycled plastic sheet and draw and cut out the diagram referring to the provided template.

Gather Materials to Create World Environment Day Craft Ideas

Step - 02

To create an environmental illustration over the pocket, gather materials such as shades of blue quilling strips, any cord, a key holder, four toothpicks, buttons, shades of green jute sheets, a green foam sheet, felt sheets, and an upcycled plastic sheet.

 Draw the diagram to Create Key Holder Craft Ideas for Kids

Step - 03

Draw the diagram of environmental illustrative elements onto each material referring to the provided template.

Cut the Elements for World Environment Day Key Holder Craft

Step - 04

Cut the elements with the help of scissors. Then, using Glue Drops, assemble the plastic cutouts to create a pocket structure.

 Take a Cord to Create Key Holder Craft for Kids

Step - 05

Using Glue Drops, assemble the elements onto the pocket structure as shown. Take any cord proportionate to the pocket, create a loop-like structure, and attach keys to it as shown in the image.

 Insert the Keys to Create World Environment Dat Key Holder Craft

Step - 06

Insert the keys through the pocket as shown in the image.

 Handmade World Environment Day Key Holder Craft is Ready

Step - 07

Your handmade key holder is ready!

 Design Template for Key Holder Craft Ideas

Step -08

Design Template.