
Speech Bubble Craft Activity

English made easy to learn through Fevicrafting. Check all our class wise projects for english to learn while easy and fun crafting

Painting Best Out of Waste More than 60 mins 9 to 14 years English Class 6

Steps to Create this Activity

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Steps to Create this Activity

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Step - 01

Draw two different types of speech bubble with human face/figures attached to it

Step - 02

Paint the human figures with Rangeela Tempera Colours and outline with a black felt pen

Step - 03

Cut them out accordingly with the help of safety scissors

Step - 04

Stick the ice cream stick on the back side of the cut out with Fevicol A+. Also, write down the sentences inside the speech bubble with a felt pen

Step - 05

Similarly, create another speech bubble. Our Speech Bubble is ready!