Easy to Make Mother’s Day Kitchen DIY Spatula Holder - Activity Single - FeviCreate
Mothers Day Kitchen Spatula Holder
Easy to Make Mother’s Day Kitchen DIY Spatula Holder
Mixed Media Brand me 30 to 60 mins 6 to 8 years Art & Craft Class 5
Steps to Create this Activity
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Steps to Create this Activity
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Step - 01
To create a kitchen spatula holder, take a corrugated sheet and draw the diagram referring to the template provided.

Step - 02
Cut it with scissors.

Step - 03
Using Fevistik Power, assemble the cutouts.

Step - 04
Cover the structure with the help of chart paper of your choice using Fevistik Power and let it dry.

Step - 05
To enhance it, take a chart paper of your choice and create a pattern on it of your choice, or refer to the image.

Step - 06
To create other elements onto the structure, such as pockets and a kitchen illustration, gather materials such as chart paper, felt sheet, and foam sheet of your choice. Draw the diagram referring to the template given.

Step - 07
Cut it with scissors.

Step - 08
Using Fevistik Power, assemble the elements onto the structure as shown. Now, poke a hole above onto the structure with the help of a single hole punch.

Step - 09
Take ribbon and attach it as a holder as shown in the image.

Step - 10
Design Template.