Steps to Create this Activity

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Steps to Create this Activity

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Step - 01

To make the table top, take a mount board and trace the outline of your palm using a pencil.

Step - 02

Cut out the palm as per the traced outline. Cut a random shape for the base.

Step - 03

Paint the palm and the random shape in the colours of your choice. Leave it to dry. Take an empty tissue roll and cut a slit of about 2 in the centre and paint it in a colour of your choice. As seen in the image.

Step - 04

From the coloured chart papers cut out the shapes of leaves and basic flowers using a pair of scissors. Fix the base below the tissue roll using Fevicol Ele and fix the palm into the slit of the tissue roll giving it a feel of a tree with flowers. Stick the punched flowers on the palm as seen in the image.

Step - 05

Write a few loving words for your Mom