Learn How to Make Wall Hanging Fevicreate - Activity Single - FeviCreate
Learn How to Make Wall Hanging Fevicreate
Fevicreate Art & Craft Activities are structured activities that involve a step-by-step method to create an end product. This crafting journey gives you something to show, you enjoy your journey and get a sense of achievement too. What more can one ask for!
Clay Modelling Brand me More than 60 mins 9 to 14 years Art & Craft Class 8
- Search Suggestions :
- animals
- wall hanging
- traditional motifs
Steps to Create this Activity
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Steps to Create this Activity
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Step - 01
To create wall hanging, take sheet of tracing paper or gateway sheet and draw contour of animals of your choice with the help of pencil.

Step - 02
Now take piece of mount board, and trace them onto it.

Step - 03
Now take Rangeela Creative Clay of your choice fill up on the cut outs as shown. Smoothen all the ends with your fingers Now apply a layer of Fevicol MR with the help of fine art brushes and let it dry.

Step - 04
Using Fevicol MR, decorate each motif using decorative cords, beads, pompom and other embellishments.

Step - 05
To create a holder to it, take barbeque stick & poke hole through the layer of clay as shown for the stick to pass through it

Step - 06
Now take any decorative cord, insert through each motif as shown, using Fevicol MR decorate the cord as well using mirrors and beads. Now to create wall holder, insert keychain hooks through the loops as shown. Handmade wall hangings are ready.