Art & Craft

Learn how to do dandiya decoartion at home

Get ready for a vibrant Dandiya Night with our easy dandiya decoartion at home guide! Do some dazzling dandiya sticks decorations in no time with unforgettable dandiya painting techniques.

Mixed Media Celebration 30 to 60 mins 9 to 14 years Art & Craft Class 8

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Newspapers for Dandiya Decoartion

Step - 01

To create dandiya, take some newspapers.

Rolled Dandiya Sticks with newspaper using Fevistick Power

Step - 02

Roll it into a thick coil and seal the edges using Fevistik Power.

Dandiya painting using Rangeela Colours

Step - 03

Using Rangeela Tempera Colour of your choice, paint the coils with the help of fine art brushes.

Dandiya decoartion with upcycled fabric

Step - 04

To create puppets around the dandiya, collect upcycled fabric available.

Fabric clothes for wrapped on dandiya decoration

Step - 05

To create clothes of the puppets, with the help of fabric cut out rectangles proportional to the dandiya structure made, referring to image create tops & skirts as shown and decorate it using Fevistik power. Take a chart paper and cut out a strip with width of 2 cm approximately and stick below the clothes made using Fevistik Power.

Fabric puppets sticked using Fevistick power on dandiya sticks

Step - 06

Using Fevitik Power, wrap the clothes around the dandiya as shown and let it dry. To create the face of the puppets take a chart paper sheet, proportionate to dandiya draw & cut out a rectangle, using Rangeela Tempera Colours of your choice paint the features of man and woman referring to the image as shown.

Homemade Dandiya Decoartion for Dandiya Night

Step - 07

Using Fevistik Power, stick the cutouts as shown in the image. To enhance it, decorate the dandiya with mirrors using Fevistik Power. Your handmade dandiya is ready!