Art & Craft

Learn How to Make DIY Lion Face Fevicreate

Fevicreate Art & Craft Activities are structured activities that involve a step-by-step method to create an end product. This crafting journey gives you something to show, you enjoy your journey and get a sense of achievement too. What more can one ask for!

Paper Crafting Best Out of Waste 30 to 60 mins 9 to 14 years Art & Craft Class 7

Steps to Create this Activity

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Steps to Create this Activity

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Step - 01

On a corrugated sheet, draw and cut the diagram of a face contour. Refer to the template given.

Step - 02

Similarly, using a corrugated sheet, draw and cut out the diagram of the lion’s features, i.e., ears, eyes, nose, and mouth, referring to the template given. Using Fevistik Power, stick the ears, eyes, and mouth. To stick the nose, taper the cut-out, as shown, and stick it. Let it dry.

Step - 03

To create the lion's mane, take jute and any coloured paper cord of your choice. Cut them into pieces. Using Fevistik Power, stick the cut-outs from behind and let them dry. Take some jute cord, create a braid from it, and stick it around the nose and mouth, as shown.Your DIY Lion Face is ready!

Step - 04

Design Template