Art & Craft

DIY Bird Dangler Craft Activity

Fevicreate Art & Craft Activities are structured activities that involve a step-by-step method to create an end product. This crafting journey gives you something to show, you enjoy your journey and get a sense of achievement too. What more can one ask for!

Paper Crafting Brand me 30 to 60 mins 9 to 14 years Art & Craft Class 5

Steps to Create this Activity

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Steps to Create this Activity

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To create bird dangler, take any A4 coloured felt sheet of your choice , draw the contour of the bird with the help of pencil referring to the template given.


Now take any 3-coloured felt sheets of your choice, draw the diagram of bird features I.e. beak, tail and wings referring to the template given.


Cut them with scissors .


Using Fevicol A+, assemble all the cut out as shown. Make sure while sticking the contour cut outs of bird you create a pocket like structure to insert stationery.


Using FEvicryl neon 3D outliners create design of your choice or can refer to the image. And let it dry.


With the help of single hole punch, punch holes on the edges above as shown and tie any cord of your choice creating it into a dangler. Handmade bird dangler is ready!
