Art & Craft

Friendship Band Craft Activity

Let's Fevicreate a friendship band in a quirky manner and tie it to your friend as a symbol of friendship.

Paper Crafting Paper Crafting 30 to 60 mins 9 to 14 years Art & Craft Class 7

Steps to Create this Activity

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Steps to Create this Activity

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Step - 01

To create friendship band, take coloured foam sheet of your choice and draw and cut elements of your choice, here we have taken minions. Make sure to create each element twice as to sandwich it between any cord

Step - 02

Using Fevicryl 3D outliner, outline the cut outs as shown.

Step - 03

Using Fevicryl 3d Outliners, fill the colours as shown and let it dry.

Step - 04

Using cobbler cord and create a band as shown, make sure it's your wrist size. Now take wooden bead and tie a loop around it as shown

Step - 05

Using Fevicol A+, sandwich the cut outs between the cord as shown and let it dry. Personalised Friendship band is ready

Step - 06

Similarly, you can choose favourite elements which your friend’s like and can create a personalised band for them.