
Learn Weather Concepts with Fun Tools

Teach Kids About Weather by Making Simple Weather Tools. Learn about weather patterns by crafting simple weather tools. This fun project introduces concepts like temperature, wind, and rainfall.

Mixed Media Environment 30 to 60 mins 3 to 5 years Science Pre-Primary

Steps to Create this Activity

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Steps to Create this Activity

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Step - 01

Take a white chart paper, draw a circle and divide it in to six equal parts. Draw other elements related to the weather (Refer to the image above).

Step - 02

Cut out the templates with the help of safety scissors.

Step - 03

Paint the entire wheel with Rangeela Tempera Colours of your choice and outline it with a black felt pen.

Step - 04

Take the snow man template and stick cotton over it with Fevicol A+.

Step - 05

Take elements like googly eyes, satin ribbon, button, black thread, pipe cleaner to decorate the snow man.

Step - 06

Stick all the elements on the snow man with Fevicol A+

Step - 07

For the cloud stick the cotton on the paper with Fevicol A+.

Step - 08

Similarly paint and decorate all the elements.

Step - 09

Stick all the elements on the wheel with Fevicol A+. Place the arrow in the centre and pin a deco tack so that the arrow moves freely.