Art & Craft


Fevicreate Art & Craft Activities are structured activities that involve a step by step method to create an end product. This crafting journey gives you something to show, you enjoy your journey and get a sense of achievement too. What more can one ask for!

Mixed Media Best Out of Waste 30 to 60 mins 6 to 8 years Art & Craft Class 5

Steps to Create this Activity

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Steps to Create this Activity

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Step - 01

To create a Sand Clock, take a sheet of mount board and draw 2 Circles measuring diameter of 4” approximately. Further draw any geometric pattern of your choice on the circle . Now draw a tiny circle measuring diameter same as plastic bottle head to be used.

Step - 02

Using Rangeela Tempera Colours, paint the pattern with help of fine art brushes and let it dry.

Step - 03

Cut them with scissors. Make sure to paint the other side of the cut out too.

Step - 04

To create the holder, take 4 paper straws and colour them using Rangeela Tempera Colour with the help of Fine Art brushes and let it dry.

Step - 05

Now take 2-plastic bottle of same size and make a marking above as shown.8h

Step - 06

Cut them with paper cutter

Step - 07

Take the tiny circle poke a hole in the centre with the help of barbeque stick for sand to pass through. Using Fevicol A+, stick circle onto the mouth of the plastic bottle.

Step - 08

Using Fevicol A+, stick other plastic cut out as shown .

Step - 09

Take a piece of chart paper of your choice and wrap it around the interlocked bottles using Fevicol A+ and let it dry.

Step - 10

Using barbeque stick poke hole on the 4 sides make sure paper straw can pass through.

Step - 11

Using Fevicol A+, assemble all the elements. Pour all your sand into a bottle such that it fills half of It. Personalised sand clock is ready!