DIY Rakhi Envelope Craft Activity for Rakshabandhan - Activity Single - FeviCreate
DIY Rakhi Envelope Activity Craft
Make beautiful handmade rakhi envelopes for decorative rakhis and add that touch of love and make it special for your siblings.
Paper Crafting Celebration 10 to 30 mins 9 to 14 years Art & Craft Class 6
- Search Suggestions :
- gifting
- celebrations
- diy rakhi envelope
- class7
Steps to Create this Activity
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Steps to Create this Activity
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Step - 01
To create envelope, take A4 size coloured chart paper of your choice and draw the diagram with the help of pencil and scale

Step - 02
Cut the diagram made with scissors

Step - 03
Using Fevicol A+, seal the edges and let it dry

Step - 04
To create caricature of brother and sister, take quilling strips and coil it as shown sealing the edges using FEvicol A+

Step - 05
With the help of Quilling strips create features like eyes, ears, mouth as shown and stick it using Fevicol A+

Step - 06
With the help of quilling strips create hair by colling small coils as shown and stick onto the structure made and let it dry. Similarly, follow the same process to create a caricature of a sister

Step - 07
Using Fevicol A+, stick the elements onto the envelope and let it dry. Personalised envelope is ready