Art & Craft

DIY – Pichkari

Give wishes for Holi in a qwirky and creative way by making these water gun messenger

Mixed Media Celebration 30 to 60 mins 9 to 14 years Art & Craft Class 7

Steps to Create this Activity

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Steps to Create this Activity

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Step - 01

To create phickari, draw and cut two squares from corrugated sheet. Make sure one is slightly smaller than the other as shown

Step - 02

To create an outer body of phickari, take bigger square and roll it into a pipe structure by sealing the edges using Fevicol A+. Now take a coloured chart and cut out a sqaure to cover body and a circle to close it from one end

Step - 03

To create inside body of pichkari take the smaller corrugated square and create a pipe and seal the edges using FEvicol A+. Now cut out a contrast coloured chart paper to cover the coil. Now cut two circles measuring the radius of the coil

Step - 04

Using Fevicol A+, assemble cut outs and let it dry. Now create head of the pichkari in a conical shape using coloured chart paper of your choice and stick a base to the cone using coloured chart paper as shown.

Step - 05

To create pichkari holder, take a straw, cover it with coloured chart paper. Now cut corrugated circle and cover that as well using coloured chart paper of your choice uaing Fevicol A+.

Step - 06

Cut coloured chart paper strip, fan fold it and write text “Happy Holi” with the help of felt pen in each fold as shown.

Step - 07

Using Fevicol A+, Stick 2 sides of the strip into the two parts of the pichkari and let it dry.

Step - 08

Using Fevicol A+, decorate the Pichkari using Glitter powder and colourful chart papers. Your Pichkari Card is ready!