Art & Craft

DIY Ravan Inspired Face Mask with Paper Craft

Immerse yourself in the epic Ramayana, where simple paper craft and tradition blend harmoniously. Join our artistic journey and proudly wear a self made Ravan Paper Face Mask.

Paper Crafting Best Out of Waste 30 to 60 mins 9 to 14 years Art & Craft Class 7

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Steps to Create this Activity

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Design of mask on coloured chart paper

Step - 01

To create a mask for Dussehra, take a sheet of coloured chart paper and draw the face of Ram referring to the template given with the help of pencil. Make sure it's proportionate to your face.

Cut outs of all shapes and design

Step - 02

Cut the drawing fine with scissors. Similarly, using coloured chart papers, draw and cut features of Ram referring to the template given.

Fevicol to stick all parts together

Step - 03

Using Fevicol A+, assemble features of Ram’s face as shown onto the Mask and let it dry. To create a mask holder, take coloured ribbon of your choice and cut it into two pieces.

 Ribbon to use stuck to the face mask

Step - 04

Using Fevicol A+, attach ribbon cut outs to the mask and let it dry. Handmade mask is ready.

Fevicreate Ravana Face Mask

Step - 05

Similarly, you can create a mask of Ravana too by referring to the template given.