Art & Craft

How to Make Cutwork Lamp Craft

Fevicreate Art & Craft Activities are structured activities that involve a step by step method to create an end product. This crafting journey gives you something to show, you enjoy your journey and get a sense of achievement too. What more can one ask for!

Paper Crafting Celebration 10 to 30 mins 9 to 14 years Art & Craft Class 4

Steps to Create this Activity

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Steps to Create this Activity

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Step - 01

Take an A4 sized white chart paper to make big fanfolds lengthwise.

Step - 02

Keeping it in a fanfolded state, cut simple geometrical shapes with a pair of scissors. Open it to get a cutwork pattern.

Step - 03

Cut different coloured kite paper strips the same size as that of the fanfold. Stick on the cutwork area using Fevistik.

Step - 04

You can create lovely wall hangings or make a cylindrical lamp and tie it using cords.