
Angle Craft to make Angles Easy

Learn about Acute, Obtuse and Right angles with Fevicreate. We've created a fun Angle Craft activity only to make Math easy for your Kids. Click now!

Mixed Media Maths 10 to 30 mins 9 to 14 years Maths Class 5

Steps to Create this Activity

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Steps to Create this Activity

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Step - 01

Take a black chart paper and draw three angles (right angle, obtuse angle, acute angle) on it with the pencil.

Step - 02

Paint six ice-cream sticks with the colour of your choice.

Step - 03

Cut them in the shape of the appropriate angle.

Step - 04

Stick these sticks on the previously drawn angle with Fevicol A+.

Step - 05

Write the degrees and the names of the angle with Fevicryl 3D Outliner and let it dry.

Step - 06

On another coloured chart paper, write the name of the topic with Fevicryl 3D Outliner and stick it on the final chart with Fevicol A+.

Step - 07

Our perfectly classified angles chart is ready